GOOD FRIDAY 174 Throned upon the Awe-full Tree 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. Mark 15: 34 John Ellerton, 1875 Gethsemane Richard Redhead, 1853 sin whelm e watch ly ward tling of the the I my o’er through with grief, soul, cloud! pow’rs. Thee. ful ing vil with fear cry through on should the lent up and that those the 2 Si 1 Throned Hark 4 Lord, 3 roll loud hours, tree, guish a dread Up Dark Wres King full an peals three awe be ed with can own own round lines ne’er noint and woe might A Thee of left, One, in, trace, Dark Left Thou, Thou, wast ther’s with Thine once Fa lone veils on thus hu an the who a ness That Thou, Gloom None its be ly man guished Thine His reft Son, sin, a face; bit what ed Him, that pangs time Can cry be? Hold Till “Why In un is it ter known nigh, me dost tell point ask by None Till Thou Teach can th’ ap A a may en Thee lone. die. Me?” nigh. men. Lamb si Thou gloom Thee the hast the and God sak know to for of lent